
Advanced Test and Measurement
Instruments and Power Supplies

DC Power Supplies

DC Power Supplies

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Elgar ASPX front Elgar ASPS
Advanced Solar Power Simulator
Rohde and Schwarz NGC103 (NGC series) - front Rohde and Schwarz NGC100 Series
DC power supply with 1, 2 or 3 channels
ITECH IT6700H Series DC Power Supply - front ITECH IT6700H Series
DC Power Supply with high voltage, wide range models
Sorensen i-BEAM cabinet Sorensen i-BEAM
Bi-Directional, Regenerative DC Power System with a wide range of configuration options
Magna-Power SL Series DC Power Supplies Magna-Power SL Series
Rack-mount DC power supplies - models from 1.5 to 10 kW
Magna-Power SLx Series Front Panel Magna-Power SLx Series
Rack-mount DC power supplies - models from 1.5 to 10 kW
ITECH IT-N2100 series solar array simulator - front panel ITECH IT-N2100
High Speed Solar Array Simulator with 800 and 1500W models
BK Precision BK9240 Series - front view BK Precision BK9240 Series
Multi-Range DC Power Supply series
Sorensen SFA Series current source Sorensen SFA Series
High Slew Rate Current Source with models from 5 to 30kW
ITECH IT-M3140 Series - front ITECH IT-M3140 Series
Programmable DC Power Supply series with 1850W and 3kW versions
