
Advanced Test and Measurement
Instruments and Power Supplies

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Sorensen XHR600-1.7 XHR series DC power supply Sorensen XHR Series
DISCONTINUED: 1kW DC Power supply with models up to 600V or 130A
Sorensen XPD60-9 XPD series DC power supply Sorensen XPD Series
DISCONTINUED: DC Power supply with models for up to 120V or 67A
Sorensen HPD60-5 HPD series DC Power supply Sorensen HPD Series
DISCONTINUED: DC power supply with near linear performance, 300W
BK Precision 9206 (9200 Series) DC Power Supply - front BK Precision BK9200 Series
DISCONTINUED: Multi-range programmable DC Power Supply models from 200 to 600W
BK Precision BK9130B triple output DC power supply - front BK Precision BK9130B Series
DISCONTINUED: Triple Output DC power supply with 30 or 60V / 3 or 6A outputs
BK Precision BK5335B Power Meter - front BK Precision BK5335B
DISCONTINUED: Single-phase AC / DC power meter
Amrel PLA2K-120-400 PLA Series eLoad Electronic load Amrel eLoad PLA Series
Electronic Load models from 800W to 7.5kW
Amrel PLW water cooled electronic load 12kW Amrel eLoad PLW Series
Electronic Load - water cooled models, 6 to 36kW
Rohde & Schwarz (HAMEG) HM6050-2UK UK Line Impedance Stabilization Network Rohde and Schwarz HM6050-2
DISCONTINUED: Line Impedance Stabilization Network
Rohde and Schwarz SMC100A signal generator - front Rohde and Schwarz SMC100A
DISCONTINUED: Signal Generator with 1.1GHz or 3.2GHz frequency options
