
Advanced Test and Measurement
Instruments and Power Supplies

New Rohde and Schwarz Oscilloscopes


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RTM3000 scope screen

Rohde and Schwarz launch three new oscilloscope series

The new scopes range from the affordable RTC1000 2 channel digital oscilloscope with bandwidth options from 50 to 300MHz, through the highly capable RTM3000 digital oscilloscope with 2 or 4 channels and bandwidth options from 500MHz to 1GHz and the RTA4000 4 channel digital oscilloscope with bandwidth options from 200MHz to 1GHz.  All feature colour capacitive touch screens with intuitive interfaces, and low noise front ends.  The latter two have vertical resolution down to 500µV/div.

For more information, visit the product pages, linked to in the text above, or have a look at the current R&S oscilloscope range in the leaflet linked to below:

Links and Resources

Posted Thursday 25th of January 2018