
Advanced Test and Measurement
Instruments and Power Supplies

Fluke Power Quality Tools Accessories

Images for illustrative purposes only. Please refer to product details. Click on the main image for a larger view and to see image descriptions.

There are a wide range of accessories for the Fluke range of power quality analyzers from current clamp sets and test lead adaptors to GPS time synchronization modules.  We have attempted to show compatible models for products in the individual product pages in the "Accessories" tabs.  You should, however, confirm the compatibility of a particular accessory using the Fluke Accessory Compatibility Guide at http://www.fluke.com/fluke/uken/support/accessorysearch/AccCompatibilityGuide.htm or referring to the product data sheet.

Product Variants

Model Price


Voltage Probe 600V (Fluke 1760)


Banana 4-Phase Voltage Lead set for Fluke-1735/45


No options were found. Sometimes this is because the options list is too extensive and complex to list. Please refer to the data sheet and contact us if you can't find what you're looking for.
No results found in this category. For some products this is because accessory list is too extensive and complex to list. Sometimes options are interdependent or mutually exclusive. Please refer to the datasheet or contact us if you can't find what you're looking for.